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Bodhisattva Path

Practicing the Dharma with bodhicitta

How to make bodhicitta the motivation for meditation and our other Dharma practices.

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“The Compassionate Kitchen”

How eating and activities related to it—preparing food, offering and consuming it, and cleaning up—can…

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Practicing with those who harm us

Venerable Chodron's "Sam" story, how those who harm us are rare and precious treasures.

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Cultivating love and compassion

Continuing to read from “Working with Afflictions” in Chapter 3 and covers “Cultivating Love and…

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Why does this get to me?

Reflecting on why we are triggered when someone is overwhelmed by negative energy or intense…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

A graded range of consciousnesses

Covering the first two consciousnesses: wrong consciousness and uncertain consciousness learning toward believing something that…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Becoming friends with ourselves

Becoming our own friend means treating ourselves with kindness, respect and compassion; celebrating our successes…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Virtuous and variable mental factors & the affli...

Finishing teaching the virtuous mental factors, and then covering the root afflictions, auxiliary afflictions, and…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

The body and mind

The various aspects that compose the body and mind: the twelve sources and eighteen constituents,…

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