
Teachings on the mental affliction of anger, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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White, radiating light.
Living with Impermanence

Advice for a child with a chronic illness

Advice to a young girl with diabetes on how to transform difficult emotions around her…

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A young woman with palms together.
On Working with Afflictions

A new friendship

A remarkable story of treating a drunken thief with dignity and compassion instead of responding…

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Transforming War and Terrorism

Tears on the front lawn

A student shares on the emotional impact of a memorial event for the soldiers killed…

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On Overcoming Anger

Reflections on anger

Stories from incarcerated people about their struggles with anger and other afflictions.

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Statue of Kuan Yin.
Cultivating Compassion

Building courage and compassion

Cultivating compassion towards those whose values seem to be completely different than ours.

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A big bubble wrapping a woman who is meditating.
On Mindfulness

Celebration of Buddha’s enlightenment

An incarcerated person's gratitude to his sangha, discussing his history of violence, his discovery of…

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A man with head bowed in prayer.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Prison and prayer

How practice sustained an incarcerated person during several weeks in solitary confinement.

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Cover of Working with Anger.
Prison Dharma

A remarkable story

A mother's story of how her son was changed by reading a Dharma book and…

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On Working with Afflictions

Gasp! I was the angry person you were talking about!

Seeing our attachment to anger is the first step to transforming it.

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A small flame.
On Overcoming Anger

Not feeding the fire

Within a small space, in a tense situation, a person in prison shares his struggle…

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Child holding an apple with an equal sign carved into it.
Family and Friends

Teaching children by example

Actions speak louder than words. Our children will learn loving-kindness, forgiveness, and patience only though…

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