
Teachings on the mental affliction of anger, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Two yellow tulips opening.
Mind and Mental Factors

Virtuous mental factors and root afflictions

Explanation of the last four virtuous mental factors and the first two root afflictions.

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Two yellow tulips opening.
Mind and Mental Factors

The virtuous mental factors

An explanation of the first seven of the eleven virtuous mental factors and the benefits…

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Two yellow tulips opening.
Mind and Mental Factors

Creating the causes of happiness

An overview of the six primary minds and 51 mental factors, and an explanation of…

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Responding to Prejudice

We are all Michael Brown and Darren Wilson

Using the Dharma to process outrage at the Grand Jury decision in Ferguson, Missouri to…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

The second noble truth: the root afflictions

Looking at the six root afflictions—the causes of problems in this life and future lives.

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Group photo of retreatants from the Shantideva Meditation Center talk standing with Abbey nuns..
Buddhist Worldview

Changing our minds and emotional habits

How ignorance projects a mode of existence onto things that doesn't exist. Advice on how…

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Buddhist Worldview

Overcoming obstacles to Dharma practice

Advice on how to build and keep a consistent practice followed by a talk about…

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Clinging to our identity

The definition of mindfulness of phenomena and how we cling to and grasp at our…

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Candle offering to small statue of Chenrezig.

Connecting with compassion

How important it is to acknowledge past mistakes and harms done in order to truly…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 55: The crazy elephant

How holding onto to negative thoughts and feelings damages and destroys our relationships with others.

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

The results of karma

The three mental non-virtues: coveting, malice and wrong views. The results of each of the…

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