analytical meditation

Analytical meditation involves investigating a subject with reflection and reason in order to integrate the meaning of the Dharma and develop virtuous qualities. Posts include instruction and guided meditations.

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Only the Dharma helps at death

Completing the section “Only Dharma helps at the time of death” in Chapter 9, explaining…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Nine-point death meditation

Teaching nine-point death meditation, from the section “Learning from Our Own Mortality” in Chapter 9.

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Living a Meaningful Life

Meditation on ways to understand impermanence

A guided meditation on five ways to understand impermanence as described in the book "The…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

Equanimity and the kindness of others

Leading a meditation on equanimity and teaching on the the seven-point cause and effect method…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

Death and the defects of samsara

Giving detailed instruction on how to meditate on one's own death and reflecting on the…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

Attachment and death meditation

Speaking on the benefits of study and reflection and going through the nine-point death meditation…

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Peaceful Living, Peaceful Dying Retreats

Meditation on the inevitability of death

A guided meditation on the first three points in the nine-point meditation on death focusing…

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Antidotes to Afflictions

Meditation on overcoming attachment to reputation

A guided meditation on the eight worldly concerns, focusing on overcoming attachment to a good…

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Living a Meaningful Life

Meditation on precious human life

Meditating on the good circumstances of a precious human rebirth inspires us to use our…

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Engaged Buddhism

Coronavirus: This is the time to practice

Guided meditation on examining our fear and anxiety related to the coronavirus, encouraging us to…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Structuring a meditation session

Venerable Thubten Tarpa leads the "Meditation on the Buddha," and covers from Chapter 6 "How…

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