analytical meditation
Analytical meditation involves investigating a subject with reflection and reason in order to integrate the meaning of the Dharma and develop virtuous qualities. Posts include instruction and guided meditations.
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View all posts in Venerable Thubten Chodron's teaching archive.
Meditation on working with an unhelpful friend
A guided meditation on changing counterproductive mental habits.
View PostMeditation on compassion
Guided meditation on developing compassion in a wise and skillful way.
View PostGood Karma: A short overview of the Buddhist worldview
Introduction to the Buddhist worldview and "The Wheel of Sharp Weapons."
View PostWhat helps at the time of death
The last three points of the nine-point death meditation and how to prepare for death.
View PostA real awareness of death
Teachings on the first six points of the nine-point death meditation.
View PostMeditation in the Tibetan tradition
The types and purposes of meditation as taught in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
View PostSeeing kindness everywhere
By recognizing the kindness all around us we will open our hearts to everyone.
View PostMeditation on overcoming partiality
Guided analytic meditation to help develop impartial compassion.
View PostPractices for preparing for death
A brief introduction to preparatory practices for death, including 7-point mind training (lojong) and taking…
View PostMeditation on empathic distress
A guided meditation on the difference between compassion and personal distress.
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