Chapter 8: Verses 12-21
Chapter 8: "The Perfection of Meditation." Part of a series of teachings on Shantideva’s classic text, Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds, organized by Pureland Marketing, Singapore.
- Overview of the chapters in the text
- Review of verses 4-11
- Verse 12: Jealousy, competition and conceit
- Verses 13-14: Associating with the childish leads to misery and misfortune
- Verse 15: Be courteous but not overly familiar
- Verse 16: Take only what you need for Dharma practice
- Verse 17: The disadvantages of feeling self important and praising ourselves
- Verses 18-19: Attachment brings misery and fear
- Verse 20: Fame and wealth does not accompany us after death
- Verse 21: Praise and criticism do not define who we are
- Questions and answers
- How do we become less childish people ourselves?
- Who is Shantideva?
Chapter 8: Verses 12-21 (download)
Venerable Thubten Chodron
Venerable Chodron emphasizes the practical application of Buddha’s teachings in our daily lives and is especially skilled at explaining them in ways easily understood and practiced by Westerners. She is well known for her warm, humorous, and lucid teachings. She was ordained as a Buddhist nun in 1977 by Kyabje Ling Rinpoche in Dharamsala, India, and in 1986 she received bhikshuni (full) ordination in Taiwan. Read her full bio.