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Finding happiness through wisdom

Two talks given at Ocean of Compassion Center in Campbell California, October 23, 2016. Part one covers the the first type of wisdom, part two covers the last two types of wisdom.

Part one

  • The wisdom of conventional truths—how karma works and causal dependence
  • The importance of motivation
  • The four basic principles of karma and how we are the creator of our own experience
  • Collective karma

Finding happiness through wisdom 01 (download)

Part two

  • The wisdom of that knows how to benefit others
  • The types of individuals we can help
  • The wisdom that understands the ultimate nature
  • How ignorance is the cause of suffering

Finding happiness through wisdom 03 (download)

Venerable Thubten Chodron

Venerable Chodron emphasizes the practical application of Buddha’s teachings in our daily lives and is especially skilled at explaining them in ways easily understood and practiced by Westerners. She is well known for her warm, humorous, and lucid teachings. She was ordained as a Buddhist nun in 1977 by Kyabje Ling Rinpoche in Dharamsala, India, and in 1986 she received bhikshuni (full) ordination in Taiwan. Read her full bio.