
Teachings on how to cultivate wisdom on many different levels, ranging from the wisdom that understands karma and its effects, the four truths, and how to benefit others, to the wisdom realizing the ultimate nature of reality.

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Fear about the world

Anxiety about the state of the world can be eased by reflecting on the kindness…

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Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

The wisdom of fear

The difference between wisdom fear and panicky fear. Fear in Buddhism is an awareness of…

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Photo of a flower giving out light
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Motivation for the Manjushri retreat

Setting the motivation for retreat, remembering the sufferings of the lower realms, and endeavoring to…

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Thanka image of Manjushri
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Manjushri sadhana overview

The benefits of doing the Manjushri practice, an explanation of the visualization in the sadhana,…

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Orange flowers on a tomb.
Living with Impermanence

Understanding reality

Venerable Thubten Chodron explores conventional and ultimate reality within the context of her mother’s recent…

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 26-1: Filled with good qualities

Seeing filled containers with a generous mind and wishing good qualities for others.

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Venerable Chodron teaching.
Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

The welfare of all beings

What it means to work for the wellbeing and happiness of all sentient beings. Seeing…

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A picture showing the face of Manjushri

Manjushri meditation on emptiness

A guided front-generation Manjushri meditation with an extended meditation on emptiness.

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 21-2: Seeing the buddha in others

Seeing sentient beings as buddhas, a way to control our negative mind but not taking…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verses 15-17

How great compassion is the most importance quality of the Buddha that makes his teachings…

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Thangka image of Manjushri

Explanation of the Manjushri sadhana

An explanation of the Manjushri sadhana and resources for doing the retreat from afar.

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