thought transformation

Teachings on lojong or thought training techniques to train the mind to turn difficult circumstances into opportunities for spiritual growth and awakening.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 67-69

The importance of becoming honest with ourselves, admitting our faults, and not always blaming others…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 64-66

Getting a feeling for the object of negation in the emptiness meditation, and practicing the…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 60-63

A continuation of verses that point out our bad habits and how our self-grasping ignorance…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 56-59

Recognizing that the real enemies are the self-centered thought and self-grasping ignorance. How those misapprehensions…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 49-55

Identifying the real enemy, where our suffering comes from: self-centeredness and self-grasping ignorance, and how…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 46-48

Helpful verses for taking responsibility for our own lives and experience and becoming heedful of…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 43-45

Being taken advantage of, jealousy at others' good fortune. Looking at what is behind these…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 38-42

A look at the karmic causes of difficulties in our practice or difficulties overcoming the…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 34-37

Verses describing the causes of karmic results such as interferences with understanding the teachings and…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 29-33

The results of not respecting the monastic sangha and the Dharma texts, and not meditating…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 25-28

When others turn on us, friends become enemies, when we become sick, looking at the…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons 2004-06

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 22-24

These verses cover the causes of such results as disappointment from our spiritual mentors and…

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