Sravasti Abbey

Teachings that were presented at Sravasti Abbey.

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Closeup of Wat Pho's Reclining Buddha.
Essence of Refined Gold

Taking joy in our Dharma practice

Having an appreciation for joyous effort and showing interest in overcoming laziness.

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Closeup of Wat Pho's Reclining Buddha.
Essence of Refined Gold

Laziness that interferes with practice

How laziness interferes with Dharma practice. What it means to be kind to ourselves and…

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The word Dharma on a boardwalk.
Essence of Refined Gold

Fortitude of practicing the Dharma

Going through physical and mental hardships during our Dharma practice by cultivating patience.

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An Afghan girl's face full of emotion, using her sunburnt hand to cover her mouth.
Essence of Refined Gold

Fortitude of enduring suffering

Continuing with the explanation of the practice of non-retaliation, and the second type of fortitude…

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The words: fortitude in a grey and a bit green background.
Essence of Refined Gold

Meaning and benefits of fortitude

The types of beings to help and what help should we offer to them. Understanding…

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Gotami House in Winter, surrounded by icy trees.
Life at Sravasti Abbey

Monasteries as the conscience of society

The vision behind Sravasti Abbey, the benefits of living the monastic life, and using community…

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Closeup of Wat Pho's Reclining Buddha.
Essence of Refined Gold

Three kinds of ethical conduct

Discussion of the characteristics of far-reaching ethical conduct: abandoning destructive actions, engaging in constructive actions,…

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Woman with computer instrument connected to her head.
Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher

Reformatting the hard disk of the mind

An interview concerning a new type of relationship between Buddhist teacher and student in the…

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Venerable Thubten Chodron smiling happily.
Life at Sravasti Abbey

Founding donor’s day

The birth of Sravasti Abbey, the first Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the U.S.

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An elderly monk receiving alms, other young monks lining at the back.
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

The six harmonies (continued)

Living in community with mindfulness: a long-term vision to prepare the monastery for future generations…

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Photo of Abbey Sangha and guest sangha.
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

The six harmonies

The temporary goal of a monastic is to create a community that facilitates practice, so…

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