Good Karma (2021–present)

Ongoing teachings during the annual Memorial Day Weekend Retreat based on Good Karma: How to Create the Causes of Happiness and Avoid the Causes of Suffering

Good Karma: The causes of happiness and suffering

How karma is like a boomerang, whatever actions we do return and have a similar effect on us.

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Good Karma: The eight worldly concerns

How subduing the eight worldly concerns is the first step in living a spiritual or Dharma life.

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Good Karma: Karma and its effects

The meaning of karma, its four principles, three branches, and three kinds of results. How understanding karma helps to understand our experience.

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Good Karma: Buddha nature

How the two types of buddha nature are the basis for change and awakening. The opening verses on the analogy of peacocks and bodhisattvas.

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Good Karma: A bodhisattva’s courage

The heroism of bodhisattvas and how to gradually train the mind to look at the world the way bodhisattvas do.

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