Gems of Wisdom (2014-2015)

Short talks on Gems of Wisdom, a thought-training text by the Seventh Dalai Lama.

Root Text

Gems of Wisdom translated by Glenn H. Mullin is available from Shambhala Publications here.

Verse 96: Do not do unto others

How we often go against the golden rule by inflicting the harm we have received ourselves upon others.

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Verse 97: The supreme goodness

How taming the mind is the best way for us to be of benefit to ourselves and others.

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Verse 98: The supreme treasure

How the practice of genuine generosity reaps infinite wealth in our spiritual practice.

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Verse 99: The magical ritual

The surest way to vanquish the demons of our afflictions is not through magical rituals, but through the practice of ethical discipline.

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Verse 100: The armor of fortitude

How to practice the fortitude of experiencing suffering, hearing harsh words and practicing the Dharma.

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Verse 101: The magical horse

On the three types of joyous effort and how practicing them helps to give us energy to create virtue.

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Verse 102: The sparkling mirror

How studying the lamrim and doing retreat helps us to cultivate concentration, which contributes to our clarity and wisdom.

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Verse 103: The freedom of realizing emptiness

The importance of learning the teachings on emptiness to create the causes to free the mind from obscurations.

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Verse 104: The most amazing drama

Should we trust our senses? How to view the world that appears to our senses after arising from meditative equipoise.

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Verse 106: Transcending the indulgences of sams...

Giving up the self-centered mind and generating bodhicitta to accomplish the path to full awakening.

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Verse 107: The legs and eyes of the path

How the practices on the method and wisdom sides of the path correspond to the attainment of the four buddha bodies.

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