Gems of Wisdom (2014-2015)

Short talks on Gems of Wisdom, a thought-training text by the Seventh Dalai Lama.

Root Text

Gems of Wisdom translated by Glenn H. Mullin is available from Shambhala Publications here.

Verse 73: Buddhas-to-be

Cultivating a pure view of others and ourselves as future buddhas can be more realistic than following our habitual fault-finding mind.

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Verse 74: Every moment matters

How we have autonomy in every moment to work against our habitual patterns and live in ways that are in line with our ethical values.

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Verse 75: True heroes

How the mind of a spiritual practitioner stays steadfast amidst the glitter of worldly pleasures.

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Verse 76: The most powerful army

By cultivating an army of positive qualities, we can vanquish our afflictions and be truly free of enemies.

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Verse 76: The power of spiritual integrity

How developing our good qualities can help us to vanquish all of the afflictions that are our true enemies.

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Verse 77: Freedom from fear

How those who are foolish fear that which does not need to be feared, and do not fear what should rightly be feared.

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Verse 78: The mind of equanimity

On how we can aspire to cultivate a mind that benefits others impartially, just as the rain falls on all plants.

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Verse 79: Freeing the mind from attachment

On how attachment to the most trivial things binds our mind to cyclic existence.

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Verse 80: Dwelling in sublime joy

How having a motivation to be of benefit to others enables us to have a happy mind regardless of what is going on around us.

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Verse 81: The flying horse

Thinking deeply about whether we truly have a precious human life, and whether we are creating the causes for a series of such rebirths.

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Verse 82: Impulsiveness

On how conscientiousness and forethought contribute to beneficial behavior, whereas impulsiveness only brings about the opposite of what we want.

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Verse 83: Examining the self-centered mind

The importance of looking closely at the self-centered mind that destroys all our happiness.

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