Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas with Venerable Thubten Chodron (2013-15)

Commentary by Venerable Thubten Chodron on Aryadeva’s Four Hundred Stanzas on the Middle Way to prepare for Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe's teachings.

Chapter 1: Abandoning belief in permanence

An introduction to the text "400 Stanzas on the Middle Way" by Aryadeva, the study text of the weekly Thursday night teachings at Sravasti Abbey.

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Chapter 1: Verses 1-10

The benefits of reflecting on death, how to contemplate death with wisdom, and refuting misconceptions of permanence.

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Review of Chapter 1: Remembering death

Meditations on death. How remembering death give us an incentive to practice.

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Chapter 1: Verses 11-24

How practicing the Dharma will be of the greatest benefit at the time of death, loosening the attachment to those we love and to our…

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Chapters 1-2: Verses 25-34

How the mistaken view of the body as a source of pleasure leads to dukkha, and seeing the body as a source of pain will…

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Chapter 2: Abandoning belief in pleasure

The unsatisfactory nature of the pleasures of cyclic existence and how they cannot bring real, lasting happiness.

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Chapters 2-3: Verses 45-52

How what is seen as pleasurable in samsara is actually a small discomfort replacing a greater discomfort, and all pleasure is transient.

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Chapter 3: Abandoning belief in cleanliness

Recognizing the difficulties created by sensual desire and seeing the body for what it is instead of exaggerating its good qualities.

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Chapter 3: Verses 64-72

Examining the foulness of the body and why there is resistance to thinking of the body as merely a bag of filth and impurity.

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Chapters 3-4: Verses 73-77

How our attempts to beautify the body fail to make it an appropriate object of desire, and the importance of developing inner happiness.

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Chapter 4: Abandoning pride

An examination of how pride wreaks havoc on personal and global levels, and how we can cultivate self-confidence for spiritual benefit instead.

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Chapter 4: Verses 85-92

Examining the reasons why it is inappropriate for those in power to be proud, relating these verses to current events.

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