Search results for “foundation of all good qualities

Green Tara Winter Retreat 2009-2010

The Buddha is free from fear

Why the Buddha being free from fear is important in terms of refuge, and a…

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Venerable Thubten Chodron sitting in meditation position and smiling happily.
Western Monastics

Buddhist education for nuns in Western countries

The ordination and education of nuns in Western countries; Sravasti Abbey as a proving ground…

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Cover of Taming the Mind.
Taming the Mind

The noble eightfold path

How the noble eightfold path is organized under the three higher trainings; practices related to…

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Family and Friends

Planned parenting

Becoming a parent can be of incredible benefit by transmitting from generation to generation the…

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Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Taking retreat into daily life

For those coming out of the one-month retreat: how to come out of retreat and…

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Open Heart, Clear Mind

Meditation practice

An explanation of the various kinds of Buddhist meditation, how to set up a daily…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Introduction to the text

The purpose and origin of the thought-training teachings. An introduction to the text and the…

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The words: fortitude in a grey and a bit green background.
Essence of Refined Gold

Meaning and benefits of fortitude

The types of beings to help and what help should we offer to them. Understanding…

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Open Heart, Clear Mind

Buddha nature and precious human life

Seeing our potential and the conducive circumstances we have to actualize it.

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Happy tibetan nuns.
Full Ordination for Nuns

Bhikshuni vinaya and ordination lineages

A summary report by Alex Berzin of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role…

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