Search results for “foundation of all good qualities

Group photo of Exploring Monastic Life participants and abbey community.
LR05 Precious Human Life

Cultivating our motivation

The three levels of motivation as a key to understanding the Buddhist path.

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Thangka image of a Buddha.
LR02 Introduction to the Lamrim

Basic Buddhist topics

An overview of topics such as the mind, rebirth, cyclic existence, and enlightenment, as an…

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Thangka image of a Buddha.
LR02 Introduction to the Lamrim

How teachings should be studied and taught

Cultivating the qualities, attitudes, and motivations that make the student's mind receptive and the teacher's…

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Thangka image of Shantarakshita.
LR01 Lamrim Outline

Lamrim outline: Initial

A detailed outline of the practices of an initial level practitioner: remembering death, the lower…

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