Search results for “foundation of all good qualities

Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2018-19

The power of determination

The power of determination, examining how to create the external and internal conditions to support…

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Cover of The Gomchen Lamrim Study Guide.
Gomchen Lamrim

Gomchen Lamrim study guide

Contemplation points for the Gomchen Lamrim teaching series.

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Group of monastics and laypeople doing walking meditation.
Cultivating Healthy Relationships

Being a Dharma community

There is value in practicing and meditating with others. When we participate in our Dharma…

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Contentment and Happiness

The eight pillars of joy

Venerable Thubten Nyima shares the wisdom of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond…

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Stages of the Path to Awakening Podcast

Meditative stability

Teaching on the conditions and objects of focus for engaging in the far-reaching practice of…

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Qualities of a Spiritual Teacher

What it means to see the guru as the Buddha

More about why we can get confused with Tantra teachings and teachers and loose faith.

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Four Truths for the Aryas

Attributes of true dukkha: Empty

How to identify our wrong views about a permanent, unitary, and independent person.

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Gomchen Lamrim

Self centeredness and the five decisions

The disadvantages of self-centeredness and the five decisions to make after equalizing self and others.

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Full Ordination for Nuns

The World Buddhist Bhikshuni Association is establis...

The world's first international organization formed by bhikshunis is established in November 2016.

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Practicing Democracy

Responding to the election results

Venerable Thubten Chodron responds to the results of the presidential election.

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Gomchen Lamrim

The causes of bodhicitta

The causes to create in order to develop bodhicitta, the altruistic intention. The importance of…

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