Search results for “king of prayers

Medicine Buddha thangka surrounded by light and flower offerings.
Medicine Buddha Winter Retreat 2007-08

Applying the teachings

Discussion: working with the mind, skillful ways of using refuge. Reflection on why we are…

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Medicine Buddha thangka surrounded by light and flower offerings.
Medicine Buddha Winter Retreat 2007-08

Sharing challenges of practice

Questions from retreatants on dealing with distraction and habitual reactions. Working with dreams in a…

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Closeup of Wat Pho's Reclining Buddha.
Essence of Refined Gold

Three kinds of ethical conduct

Discussion of the characteristics of far-reaching ethical conduct: abandoning destructive actions, engaging in constructive actions,…

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Open Heart, Clear Mind

Buddha nature and precious human life

Seeing our potential and the conducive circumstances we have to actualize it.

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Group of participants from the 2007 Exploring Monastic Life retreat at the Abbey.
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

Refuge and precepts ceremony

Teachings on taking the five lay precepts with or without celibacy and the eight precepts…

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Ven. Chodron teaching.
Essence of Refined Gold

Sufferings of cyclic existence

A realistic look at the defects of cyclic existence and the determination to be free.

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Happy tibetan nuns.
Full Ordination for Nuns

Bhikshuni vinaya and ordination lineages

A summary report by Alex Berzin of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role…

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Dharma friends Mary Grace and Cheryl Harrison in India, February, 2013.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Setting a good motivation for surgery

A student shares how setting a strong virtuous motivation transformed her experience of undergoing brain…

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Una imagen Thangka de Tara Verde.
Green Tara

Green Tara sadhana (short)

A short version of the Green Tara sadhana.

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Black and white image of a man thinking.
By Incarcerated People


Two months before his release, a person in prison shares his thoughts on how the…

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A Hope Rainbow Mosaic sign.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Owning up, but with hope

An incarcerated person talks about the changes he has made in his life since being…

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