
Teachings on mindfulness, a mental factor that enables the mind to stay on its chosen object. These include teachings on mindfulness in developing concentration and keeping ethical conduct.

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A woman meditating on a rock by the seaside during sunset.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Keeping balance

Necessity for cultivating kindness and compassion for others in addition to practicing meditation.

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A glass medicine bottle with the label Awareness, 20ml concentration, Basic medicines are still needed in many parts of the world, but basic awareness are what we need here. Increasing knowledge of different cultures promotes understanding and compassion, which helps eradicate the disease of discrimination.
On Mindfulness

Awareness that sets you free

The ways being in prison has forced an incarcerated person to face his delusions and…

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Man with head resting on hand, in contemplation.
By Incarcerated People

Learning to find inner peace

A person in prison shares his thoughts on keeping up hope in a difficult environment.

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Venerable Jampa, smiling and talking to retreatants during group discussion.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Heart-warming love

It is possible to see all beings, whether they are friends, enemies, or strangers, as…

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Monkey swinging from branch to branch.

Taming the monkey mind

Honest recognition of our thoughts increase the courage to practice the Dharma.

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2 young girls holding hands together, walking in a field.
For Young People

Good friendships

How to develop characteristics and qualities that make us a better friend.

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Cover of Buddhism for Beginners.

Karma: cause and effect

An excerpt from the book "Buddhism for Beginners" explaining how karma leaves imprints upon our…

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A peanut figure holding a notice: E=MC2 and words: Nuts about work TEACHER.
For Young People


Applying Buddhist practices for studying and preparing for examinations.

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Blossoms of the Dharma

Finding our way

A reflection on the Dharma, working with afflictions, self-esteem, ordination, and living within the precepts.…

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Portrait of Bhikshuni Tenzin Namdrol.
Blossoms of the Dharma

Blossoming in Plum Village

A nun discusses entering the 5-year monastic training with the core community at Thich Nhat…

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