
Teachings on mindfulness, a mental factor that enables the mind to stay on its chosen object. These include teachings on mindfulness in developing concentration and keeping ethical conduct.

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The right kind of mindfulness

While being mindful of daily activity is a worthwhile practice, the mindfulness that leads to…

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Mindfulness and compassion

An introduction to mindfulness and how practicing it can benefit our environment and others around…

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A road sign with the name Gratitude Road.
On Mindfulness


Getting caught up in our egos keeps us from appreciating the good things we do…

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Group photo of participants in the twelfth annual Buddhist Monastic Conference.
Western Buddhist Monastic Gatherings

Western monastic life

Monastics from different traditions practicing in the West discuss aspects of training, precepts, community life,…

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Group of monastics at the 2013 WBMG.
Western Monastics

Whatever happened to the monastic Sangha?

Examining the role of monastics in Western culture, especially as torch-bearers of the Dharma.

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Stone image of a bodhisattva.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Joys of taking the bodhisattva vows

An incarcerated person shares the impact of taking the bodhisattva vows on his Dharma practice.

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A group of young adult retreat ants in back of the abbey truck.
Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2006

Creating harmony with others

How cultivating transparency and humility as part of our Dharma practice can create harmonious relationships…

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A group of women waiting for a group therapy session to begin.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Scars and catharsis

An incarcerated person is asked to confront the results of his actions.

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Buddhist Worldview

Inquiry and faith

We don’t get enlightened simply by having faith but through transforming our mind.

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Vajrasattva statue
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005-06

Once you start, never stop

Bowing to anyone who creates merit and practices good conduct; a look at what hell…

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Closeup face of a Buddha
Buddhist Meditation 101

Stilling the critical mind

A guided meditation on the breath to cultivate a sense of contentment with the present…

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