
Teachings related to the law of karma and its effects, or how intentional actions of body, speech, and mind affect our circumstances and experiences. The law of karma and its effects explains how present experience is the product of past actions and how present actions affect future experience. Posts include teachings on the types and characteristics of karma and how to use an understanding of karma in daily life.

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2016-17

Becoming Vajrasattva

The meaning of the Vajrasattva mantra and visualization, and a discussion about the meaning of…

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Vajrasattva New Year's Retreat 2016-17

Why do we suffer?

Describing how ignorance is the root of our suffering and how purification helps us to…

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Ven. Chodron and Ven. Damcho and Borneo Tribal Village community.
Good Karma Short Retreats

The wheel of karmic actions and results

Commentary on selected verses from the thought training poem "The Wheel of Sharp Weapons" from…

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Ven. Chodron and Ven. Damcho and Borneo Tribal Village community.
Good Karma Short Retreats

Applying the teachings on karma in our lives

How to apply the teachings on karma in daily life to engage in constructive actions…

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Ven. Chodron and Ven. Damcho and Borneo Tribal Village community.
Good Karma Short Retreats

The four characteristics of karma and purification

Understanding the four basic principles of karma helps to transform actions in a positive way.…

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Ven. Chodron and Ven. Damcho and Borneo Tribal Village community.
Good Karma Short Retreats

Mind as the source of happiness and pain

The principle cause of our experience is our previous karma, actions done in the past.…

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Looking up through two modern skyc=sca=rapers
Ethics in the Modern World

Morality in a modern world

In the modern age, technology enables more ways to engage in the ten paths of…

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Venerable teaching and smiling.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons

“Good Karma” book launch

Karmic results are happening all the time in our life and all the time we…

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