
Teachings related to the law of karma and its effects, or how intentional actions of body, speech, and mind affect our circumstances and experiences. The law of karma and its effects explains how present experience is the product of past actions and how present actions affect future experience. Posts include teachings on the types and characteristics of karma and how to use an understanding of karma in daily life.

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Venerable teaching in front of a large Buddha statue.
Good Karma Short Retreats

Planting seeds for the life we want

The first of three talks given at a retreat based on the book, “Good Karma:…

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Venerable teaching in front of a large crowd at Nalanda Buddhist Centre.
Don't Believe Everything You Think

The path to awakening: An overview

An overview of the path to awakening highlighting important points. How the lamrim system provides…

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How Rebirth Works

Mind and rebirth

Using reasoning to establish confidence in the continuity of the mind and rebirth. How to…

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Venerable Chodron gives out mani pills to a couple at Buddhist Gem Fellowship.
Buddhist Worldview

The value and purpose of a precious human life

The purpose of Dharma practice is to bring a sense of internal peace, well being…

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Venerable Chodron gives out mani pills to a couple at Buddhist Gem Fellowship.
Buddhist Worldview

Creating the causes for a precious human life

How meditation on the value of a precious human life generates great enthusiasm for Dharma…

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Venerable Chodron gives out mani pills to a couple at Buddhist Gem Fellowship.
Buddhist Worldview

The importance of reflecting on a precious human life

Developing self-confidence and appreciating our potential are the chief purposes of contemplating our precious human…

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A group of people in discussion
Refuge in the Three Jewels

Refuge and precept discussion questions

Topics for discussion regarding taking refuge in the Three Jewels and the five lay precepts.

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 14: Verses 338-346

Teachings on the verses refuting inherently existent components, one and different, causes and effects.

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Aryadeva's 400 Stanzas

Chapter 13: Verses 307-310

Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe continues the teachings on refuting the inherent existence of visual objects.

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Cover of book Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness.
Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland

The results of virtue and nonvirtue

In order to create the causes for upper rebirth and awakening it's important to discern…

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Cover of book Practical Ethics and Profound Emptiness.
Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland

The advantages of living ethically

Ethical conduct is primary cause of higher rebirth. Developing ethical conduct involves abandoning thirteen activities…

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