
Teachings on the mental affliction of attachment, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Sangha and lay practitioners listening carefully as Venerable Chodron teaches.
Contentment and Happiness

Finding true happiness

Looking for happiness in all the wrong places? True happiness and contentment are not created…

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Abbey monastics chanting during a Medicine Buddha puja.
Dealing with Grief

Losing a dear one who was young

A letter from a student questioning the reason for the loss of her younger sister.

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By Incarcerated People

Growing through the Dharma

A person in prison shows how through thought transformation, we can find some good even…

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Golden statue of Vajrasattva.
On Meditation

Purifying negative karma

Using the retreat experience to purify the root delusions of pride and attachment.

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Venerables Chodron and Chonyi standing with a group of other bhikshunis.
Exploring Monastic Life 2005

Monastic life and mind

Being drawn to Shakyamuni Buddha's teaching, path to truth.

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Lay person giving alms to monk.
Exploring Monastic Life 2005

Letting go of “me,” “I,” and...

We value good karma more than money and possessions. Accumulating mental and emotional wealth.

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Antidotes to Afflictions

Antidotes to afflictions

Definitions, disadvantages and antidotes for key afflictions: attachment, anger, jealousy, and arrogance.

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Large group of nuns from various religions.
Interfaith Dialogue

Report on “Nuns in the West II”

"The power of women of different faiths meeting together and sharing in harmony cannot be…

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