
Teachings on the mental affliction of attachment, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Venerable Chogkyi with an EML participant.
Exploring Monastic Life 2006

Doing long retreat

Learning to live without constant ego-gratifying feedback.

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Painting of Siddhartha and disciple.
Exploring Monastic Life 2006

The Buddha’s life

Apply the lessons we learn from the Buddha's life. How he lived is a teaching…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

How things exist

How understanding things exist dependently provides us freedom to act without afflictions and cultivate compassion.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verse 9

Generating compassion by seeing things as not inherently existing and changing how we act with…

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Venerable Chodron sitting with a group of retreatants from Youth Week 2006.
Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2006

Living an authentic life

Overcoming afflictions enables us to stop living under their control, and to gain clarity and…

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Bright green heart-shaped leaf.
Healing Anger

Cultivating love and compassion

Questions and answers regarding anger and merit, followed by a talk focused on developing love…

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Bright green heart-shaped leaf.
Healing Anger

The judgmental mind

A discussion about our judgmental tendencies and as well as how to deal with the…

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Bright green heart-shaped leaf.
Healing Anger

Dealing with criticism

How parents can help their children with anger and how to deal with criticism and…

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Bright green heart-shaped leaf.
Healing Anger

The Buddhist view of anger

Anger can be addictive: how to calm the adrenalin rush of anger.

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Man lying in hospital bed.
Living with Impermanence

How to deal with sickness

Until liberation from rebirth, illness is unavoidable. In the meantime, we can use the Dharma…

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Shantideva image in ground mineral pigment on silk.
Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 1: Introduction

Setting the context, motivation and attitude to learn the text. Explaining the Buddhist concept of…

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Vajrasattva statue
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005-06

Dealing with the craving for excitement

Working with the mind that always looks forward to something new and exciting, and looking…

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