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Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland

Ultimate and conventional truths

Exploring ultimate and conventional truths and teaching on how to avoid the two extremes of…

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Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland

Creating the causes for happiness

Teaching on creating the causes for happiness, disadvantages of self-centered thought, and dependent arising.

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Cultivating love and compassion, a review

Venerable Tenzin Tsepal leads a review of the section "Cultivating Love and Compassion" from Chapter…

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Monk with palms together, reciting prayers.
Monastic Life

Reinforcing ordination in daily life

The Abbot of Namgyal Monastery in Dharamsala explains how precepts contribute to the attainment of…

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Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland

The importance of ethical conduct

Emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct to secure a precious human rebirth, and explaining the…

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The Six Perfections

Day 3: Questions and answers

Discussion covering the two methods to generate bodhicitta, social engagement for monastics, mindfulness of mind,…

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The Six Perfections

Diligence and concentration

Finishing the teaching on the perfection of diligence, and discussing factors for cultivating and stabilizing…

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The Six Perfections

Fortitude and diligence

The fortitude of voluntarily enduring suffering, armor-like diligence, and unrelenting diligence.

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The Six Perfections

Day 2: Questions and answers

Discussion session covering near-death experiences from a Buddhist perspective, organ donation, and the importance of…

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The Six Perfections

Developing equanimity

How to cultivate and develop equanimity, and the equalizing and exchanging self and others technique…

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