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A second pilgrimage in China

Two weeks of travel in China followed by two weeks of retreat and teachings with…

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Interfaith Dialogue

The value of a disciplined way of life

Buddha's monastic precepts and their similarities to the Christian practice.

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR10 Noble Eightfold Path

Right effort, view, and thought

Concluding the teachings on the the eightfold noble path by looking at right effort, right…

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR10 Noble Eightfold Path

Right concentration and effort

Examining the eightfold noble path through right concentration and right effort.

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Mandala offering hand mudra.
Mandala Offering

Mandala and the far-reaching attitudes

Discussion about mandala offerings and demonstration of how to offer the mandala.

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR10 Noble Eightfold Path

Right mindfulness

Examining the eightfold noble path through mindfulness of body, feelings, mind, and phenomena.

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Mandala offering hand mudra.
Mandala Offering

When and why the mandala is offered

Review of how to build the mandala, when and why the mandala is offered, and…

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR10 Noble Eightfold Path

Right action and livelihood

Examining the eightfold noble path through right action and right livelihood.

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Mandala offering hand mudra.
Mandala Offering

The purpose of mandala offerings

The importance of understanding the reasons why we do preliminary practices to purify negativities and…

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR10 Noble Eightfold Path

Eightfold noble path

An overview of the eightfold noble path as well as an in-depth look at right…

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