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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Exaggerated statements?

Covering the Chapter 6 sections “Treasure Teachings and Pure Vision Teachings” and “Exaggerated Statements?”

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

One and many as predicates

Covering the section “One-with-x and Different-from-x as Predicates” in Chapter 21.

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An Open-Hearted Life

Beyond Blame

How it's possible to go beyond blaming others or our self and work together to…

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

The universal antidote

How things don't exist the way they appear, and the importance of practicing diligently, as…

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Evaluating the authenticity of teachings

Continuing Chapter 6 with the section on the Kalama Sutta in which the Buddha listed…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

One and different

Going over exercises 20.1 and 20.4 with the class and beginning Chapter 21 “One and…

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Cover of Open Heart Clear Mind Study Guide

Open Heart, Clear Mind study guide

Study guide to the book Open Heart, Clear Mind, a foundational and profound introduction to…

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Tonglen and social problems

Venerable Thubten Chodron talks about tonglen and the issues of terrorism we are facing around…

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Tonglen: Taking and giving

Venerable Thubten Chodron explains the practice of tonglen, or taking and giving.

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Peaceful Living, Peaceful Dying Retreats

Preparing spiritually for death

Reviewing the four tasks of living and dying, and how to prepare spiritually for death.

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Group photo of participants from the Living Vinaya in the West program.
Life at Sravasti Abbey

Living Vinaya in the United States

A paper on the bhikshuni sangha in the west written by a nun who participated…

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