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“Insight into Emptiness” interview

This audio interview by Mandala managing editor Laura Miller was originally published in Mandala, July-September 2012

From October 2006 through December 2007, Khensur Jampa Tegchok Rinpoche gave teachings at Land of Medicine Buddha in California, USA, on an expansive collection of important points elucidating emptiness, drawing from many sources in the Gelug tradition.

“When I heard of [this], I instantly volunteered to edit the teachings into a book,” Ven. Thubten Chodron writes in the introduction to Insight into Emptiness, the forthcoming book from Wisdom Publications based on Khensur Rinpoche’s emptiness teachings, which were translated by Ven. Steve Carlier. “This was not entirely altruistic on my part, for having edited Khensur Rinpoche’s book Transforming Adversity into Joy and Courage, I knew how much I would learn by doing this work. In addition, there is a certain joy that arises in the heart from offering service to our teacher when we know that teacher’s motivation is to benefit all sentient beings. So editing a book is an offering to my teacher and to sentient beings at the same time.”

Mandala managing editor Laura Miller spoke with Ven. Chodron in April 2012 in Portland, Oregon, USA. In their free-ranging conversation, Ven. Chodron discusses her teacher Khensur Jampa Tegchok Rinpoche, the importance of studying emptiness and the process of editing a book among other things.

Mandala talk June 2012 (download)

Original post on Mandala website.

Guest Author: Laura Miller

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