
Part of a series of teachings given March 19-21, 2011, at a retreat on the Varieties of Madhyamaka at Sravasti Abbey.

  • The study of religious systems other than our own—what their benefits are, and what to do when encountering differences
  • More diversity of views and more interweaving of sutra and tantra in Sakya, Kagyu, and Nyingma than in Gelug and Jonang
  • Sakya tradition
    • Taking the result as the path, Lam Dre
    • Making manifest what was already there
    • Ultimate truth is considered to be inexpressible and inconceivable
    • Madhyamaka: Sakya’s view versus Tsongkhapa’s view
    • Jonang view as being substantialist and Tsongkhapa’s view as being nihilist
  • Questions and answers

Varieties of Madhyamaka 05 (download)

Dr. Guy Newland

Guy Newland, a student of Jeffrey Hopkins, is a scholar of Tibetan Buddhism who has been a professor at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan since 1988. He served as Chairperson of Central Michigan University's Department of Philosophy and Religion during the periods 2000-2003 and 2006-2009. He was elected to the Mount Pleasant Board of Education in July 2003 and served until December 2007, including six months as President of the Board and one year as Secretary.

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