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Daily practice chants

These chants were recorded by the Sravasti Abbey sangha.

Morning practice

Several chants and mantra are recited first thing in the morning after bowing to each other. Find more texts and explanation of these practices here.

Multiplying mantra

om sambhara sambhara bimana sara maha dzawa hung/ om mara mara bimana kara maha dzawa hung

Multiplying mantra chant (download)

Homage to the 21 Taras

Homage to the 21 Taras (download)

Tara mantra

om tare tuttare ture soha

Tara mantra (download)

Five contemplations before meals

Five contemplations before meals (download)

Offering food (chant before lunch)

Verses offering food (download)

After lunch

Verses after lunch (download)

Texts for chanting:

One of these texts is chanted each day:

Heart of Wisdom Sutra

Heart sutra chant 2010 (download)

The Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The three principal aspects of the path (download)

A Song of the Four Mindfulnesses

Song of four mindfulnesses (download)

Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Eight verses of thought transformation (download)

The 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas

37 Practices of bodhisattvas (download)

Parting from the Four Clingings

Evening chants

Explanations of these practices can be found here.

Paying homage and bowing to the Buddha

Na Mo Ben Shi Tsay Tya Mu Ni Fo

Fundamental Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha (download)

Praise to Amitabha Buddha

Amitabha Buddha chant (download)

Amitabha Buddha

Namo Amitabha

Namo Amitabha chant (download)

Refuge and dedication

Refuge chant (download)

Purification verse

Every harmful action I have done
With my body, speech, and mind
Overwhelmed by attachment, anger, and confusion,
All these I openly lay bare before you. (3x)

Purification verse (download)

Sravasti Abbey Monastics

The monastics of Sravasti Abbey endeavor to live generously through dedicating their lives to the Buddha's teachings, practicing them earnestly, and offering them to others. They live simply, as the Buddha did, and offer a model for society at large, showing that ethical discipline contributes to a morally grounded society. Through actively developing their own qualities of loving-kindness, compassion, and wisdom, the monastics aspire to make Sravasti Abbey a beacon for peace in our conflict-torn world. Learn more about monastic life here...

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