Liberation and tenet schools
Part of a series of teachings by Geshe Jampa Tegchok on Nagarjuna's A Precious Garland of Advice to a King given at Sravasti Abbey in 2008.
- Verse 45: Liberation means free from virtues karma, contaminated karma, throwing karma
- Verse 46: Behind extreme of non-existence and 4 nobles truth
- Verse 47: Causes and effects are not inherently existing
- Verse 48: Beings produce and imputed through depending
- Verse 49: Different teachings from the Buddha
- Important philosophical view distinction between the four tenet (schools)
- Examples of things merely labeled, imputation by conception
05 Precious Garland with Geshe Jampa Tegchok (download)
Khensur Jampa Tegchok
Born in 1930, Khensur Jampa Tegchok was a Geshe Lharampa and the former abbot of Sera-je Monastic University. He became a monk at the age of eight and studied all of the major Buddhist treatises at Sera-je before fleeing his homeland of Tibet in 1959. His book "Transforming the Heart: The Buddhist Way to Joy and Courage" is a commentary on "The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas" and describes the bodhisattva path. He is also the author of "Insight into Emptiness." He passed away in October, 2014.