
Teachings on how to cultivate wisdom on many different levels, ranging from the wisdom that understands karma and its effects, the four truths, and how to benefit others, to the wisdom realizing the ultimate nature of reality.

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Essence of Refined Gold

The object of negation

The importance of correctly identifying the object of negation to refute inherent existence.

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Essence of Refined Gold

Respecting the views of others

Respecting the views and ideas of others as part of the Buddhist path.

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Essence of Refined Gold

Realizing things as they are

If you are looking for an elephant, you need to know what an elephant looks…

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Essence of Refined Gold

The objects of different consciousnesses

Appearing objects, observed objects, apprehended objects, and referent objects.

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Purple flowers blossom in a bunch.
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 5-2: Creating the causes

The importance of cultivating the two sides of the path, method and wisdom, just as…

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Essence of Refined Gold

Developing insight into emptiness

The steps for developing insight into emptiness, and the difference between conceptual mind and non-conceptual…

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Sunrise at Borobudur, the back view of the Buddha and stupas.
Essence of Refined Gold

The emptiness of inherent existence

How realizing emptiness helps to relax our mind, reduce attachment, and release anger and confusion.…

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Sunrise at Borobudur, the back view of the Buddha and stupas.
Essence of Refined Gold

Reflecting on the empty nature of phenomena

The benefits of listening to teachings on emptiness, and an discussion of emptiness according to…

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Sunrise at Borobudur, the back view of the Buddha and stupas.
Essence of Refined Gold

Wisdom that knows the ultimate nature

Engaging in the wisdom that has the compassion, the ability, and the skill to be…

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Group photo of sangha with Khensur Jampa Tegchog.
Teachings by Khensur Jampa Tegchok

Understanding emptiness: Part 3

Question-and-answer session covering different types of wisdom, how wisdom overcomes ignorance, the nihilist's view, and…

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