
Teachings on how to cultivate wisdom on many different levels, ranging from the wisdom that understands karma and its effects, the four truths, and how to benefit others, to the wisdom realizing the ultimate nature of reality.

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A wooden keepsake box.
On Impermanence

A treasured possession

A retreatant shares on how she lost a valued piece of jewelry but gained an…

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Photo of Venerable Saxena, smiling.
Interfaith Dialogue

Dharma masala

Growing up amongst Christian and Hindu influences, eventually becoming Buddhist. Reflections on culture and religion.

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On Overcoming Anger

Reflections on anger

Stories from incarcerated people about their struggles with anger and other afflictions.

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A man using his hand shielding his mouth, in deep thinking.
Dharma in Daily Life

Who is making this decision, anyway?

The criteria that help us make Dharma-inspired decisions and how reflecting on emptiness can give…

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Image of Manjushri

Homage to Manjushri

A prayer to Manjushri recited before teachings at Sravasti Abbey.

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Woman deep in thought.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions


How to use our precious human life to develop love, compassion, and wisdom.

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Face of a serene buddha.
On Overcoming Anger

Dealing with anger

An incarcerated person realizes how much he has changed since he began to study the…

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A buck standing still, looking toward the camera.
On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

The deer

An incarcerated person reflects on the harm done when an animal is killed, both to…

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Hand-painted sign that says '$5.00 for whining'.
On Self-Worth

No more whining

Complaining doesn't change an unpleasant situation: it only causes more suffering and negative thoughts. A…

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Man with eyes closed.
On Mindfulness

Let the mind see the mind

A person in prison shares on how his daily practice is transforming his view of…

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Grounds and Paths

Benefits of studying the grounds and paths

The motivations of different levels of spiritual practitioners, and why it is beneficial to study…

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