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Stages of the Path

Seven-point cause and effect

Developing bodhicitta, first by meditating on exchanging and equalizing self with others, then following the…

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Stages of the Path

Samsara and dukkha

Looking at the disadvantages of cyclic existence to develop a determination to be free from…

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Stages of the Path


An in-depth look at the intricacies of karma: its characteristics, factors, results, and weight; helping…

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Stages of the Path


What is means to take refuge, how to create the causes, and why the Three…

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Stages of the Path

Death and impermanence

The importance and benefits of contemplating death, complemented by explanation of the nine-point death meditation.

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Refuge in the Three Jewels

The concept of refuge

A short teaching on what refuge means, why we take refuge and what we're taking…

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Stages of the Path

Precious human life

Recognizing the freedoms and fortunes of a precious human life, how rare such an opportunity…

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Building Trust

How do we make ourselves trustworthy?

A look at ways of cultivating qualities that make us more trustworthy.

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Building Trust

On marital separation

How to work with the mind when going through separation in relationships.

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Building Trust

Don’t trust me to fly a plane!

We can create unreasonable expectations of others, and trust them more than they can bear.…

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Building Trust

Forgiving after a betrayal

When trust has been broken, the best antidote is forgiveness. We don't forget, but we…

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