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Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Chapter 5: Higher training in concentration

Realms of existence and spheres of consciousness in gaining samadhi, and bodhisattva and tantric ethics…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Avoiding rebirth in the lower realms

Reflecting on the possibility of a lower rebirth motivates us to make wise decisions and…

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Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Chapter 2: Verses 101-108

Why the Buddha explained selflessness in different ways to different audiences and why he did…

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Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Chapter 2: Monastic stages of refuge

The three higher knowledges (Pali tradition), and the sixteen attributes of the four truths of…

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Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions

Chapter 2: The stages of buddhahood

An explanation of awakening, parinirvana, and omniscience, how the Buddha inspires, and touching on Nagarjuna…

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