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Chapter 14: Verses 347-350
Teachings on the verses showing how the reasoning on dependent arising refutes inherent existence.
View PostChapter 14: Verses 338-346
Teachings on the verses refuting inherently existent components, one and different, causes and effects.
View PostChapter 14: Verses 328-337
Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe teaches verses on the relationship between the whole and its parts.
View PostChapter 14: Verses 327-328
Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe continues teaching on how phenomena exist by mere imputation, refuting the view…
View PostObjects of meditation
A continuation of the teaching on the perfection of meditative stabilization, describing different objects on…
View PostChapters 13-14: Verses 325-326
Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe completes Chapter 13 and begins Chapter 14 refuting the views of the…
View PostChapter 13: Verses 320-324
Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe teaches on verses refuting the true existence of the perceiving consciousness.
View PostChapter 13: Verses 311-319
Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe continues the teachings on refuting the inherent existence of sense organs.
View PostChapter 13: Verses 307-310
Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe continues the teachings on refuting the inherent existence of visual objects.
View PostChapter 13: Verse 301-306
Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe continues the teachings on refuting inherent existence of the sense objects.
View PostChapter 13: Verse 301
Geshe Yeshe Thabkhe starts teachings on refuting the inherent existence of sense organs and objects.
View PostAmitabha practice: Pure land rebirth
What it’s like to be reborn in Amitabha’s Pure Land, Sukhavati.
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