Wheel of Sharp Weapons (2004–06)

Extensive commentary on The Wheel of Sharp Weapons by Dharmarakshita given at Sravasti Abbey from 2004-06.

Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 92-94

Making clear aspirations and determinations about how we want to live our lives. How our habits of self-centered thinking pull us into trouble again and…

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 95-98

The importance of seeing the disadvantages of self-centeredness and the benefits of cherishing others. More on the taking and giving meditation.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 99-100

Verses describing the developing the conventional bodhicitta and then following the bodhisattva path to bring to fruition that intention.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 101-104

Eliminating our own self-centeredness and our own self grasping ignorance and thereby developing the compassion necessary to really reach out to others.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 104-106

A look at dependent arising and emptiness, how things appear to exist in one way, but actually exist in the opposite way.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 102-105 (Review)

Emphasizing how when we understand emptiness correctly, we come to appreciate karma much more. Practicing the means to counter self-centeredness.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 105-107

How self-grasping ignorance and all the afflictions are empty of inherent existence, are not real and solid and findable. Our suffering comes from our mind.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 107-111

Everything is empty of inherent existence, but karma still functions. Actions bring results because they are empty of inherent existence.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 111-113

Examining how karma is not inherently existent, many causes and conditions the are involved to bring results, nothing is fixed and rigid.

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Orange streaks in a cloudy sky as the sun sets.

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 114-Colophon

Talking about the two truths, how we feel we exist, and meditating on emptiness using the four-point analysis. Putting these teachings into practice.

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