Course in Buddhist Reasoning and Debate (2017-19)

Teachings on The Course in Buddhist Reasoning and Debate: An Asian Approach to Analytical Thinking Drawn from Indian and Tibetan Sources by Daniel Perdue given at Sravasti Abbey.

The defender’s response

Explaining the various responses a defender can give to the challenger in a debate, and demonstrating how to 'spell out your answers.'

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Debate in action

Leading short debates going through the five answers a defender can give to a challenger.

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Practicing the defender’s answers

Helping the class practice different answers that the defender can give in response to statements made by the challenger.

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More debate practice

The Abbey community practices the debates they wrote with each other.

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Definitions, divisions, and consequences

Venerable Thubten Lamsel leads a review on definitions, divisions, illustrations, and consequences.

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The opening volleys

Reviewing the last two sections in Chapter 23 - “The Opening Volleys” and “Reviewing the Defender’s Answers, then beginning Chapter 24 “Strategies in Debate.”

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Practicing the comparison of phenomena

Continuing teaching the chapter on 'Strategies in Debate', covering exercises on the comparison of phenomena.

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