Gomchen Lamrim (2015-18)

Teachings on the Gomchen Lamrim, also entitled The Ascertainer of the Door to Practice Arisen from the Stages of the Path to Awakening: The Essence of All Eloquent Speech, by the great meditator Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo.

Gomchen Lamrim review: The teachings, teachers,...

A review of the greatness of the lamrim, how to listen to and explain the teachings, and how to rely on a spiritual mentor.

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Nine-point meditation on death

Contemplating death helps us make our life more meaningful, motivates us to practice the Dharma and helps us make wise decisions in our life.

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Avoiding rebirth in the lower realms

Reflecting on the possibility of a lower rebirth motivates us to make wise decisions and take refuge in a reliable spiritual guide.

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The qualities of the Three Jewels

How to cultivate and deepen refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha by reflecting on their good qualities.

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How to take refuge in the Three Jewels

Reflecting on the distinguishing characteristics of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha and the benefits of taking refuge to establish and deepen our refuge.

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Gomchen lamrim review: How to rely on the teach...

A review of salient points of the first sections of the text on the qualities of the lamrim teachings, qualified teachers and the proper attitude…

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Gomchen Lamrim review: The six preparatory prac...

Review of teachings in this series on the six preparatory practices, looking at the activities and internal attitudes to cultivate while doing the practices.

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Gomchen Lamrim review: The actual meditation se...

A review of the points of the text on the meditation session, between session activities and how to take advantage of a precious human rebirth.

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Gomchen Lamrim review: Remembering death brings...

A review of the points in the text on the benefits of remembering death and the faults of not reflecting on death.

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Gomchen Lamrim review: Two meditations on death

Using the nine-point death meditation and imagining our own death to help us lead a meaningful life and prepare our mind for death.

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Gomchen Lamrim review: Refuge in the Three Jewels

A stable refuge comes from understanding the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. By strengthening our refuge we establish a foundation for practicing the Dharma.

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Developing conviction in karma

What it means to have conviction in karma. The four principles of karma. The four branches of a complete karma and the non-virtuous pathway of…

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