The Foundation of Buddhist Practice (2018-20)

Teachings on the second volume of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion co-authored with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, on Buddhist theories of perception and the foundation stages of the Buddhist path.

The Buddha responds to questions about rebirth

Teaching from Chapter 7 of the book “The Foundation of Buddhist Practice.”, covering the section “The Buddha Responds to Questions about Rebirth“.

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Examples to understand rebirth

Continuing the teaching from Chapter 7 of the book “The Foundation of Buddhist Practice.” covering the section "The Buddha Responds to Questions about Rebirth".

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Examples illustrating rebirth

Concluding the teaching from Chapter 7 of the book “The Foundation of Buddhist Practice.” covering the section "The Buddha Responds to Questions about Rebirth".

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The essence of a meaningful life

Teaching from Chapter 8: “The Essence of a Meaningful Life" covering eight freedoms and ten fortunes.

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The difficulty of attaining a precious human life

Continuing from Chapter 8: “The Essence of a Meaningful Life” covering the section "Rare and Difficult to Attain"

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The eight worldly concerns

Continuing from Chapter 8: “The Essence of a Meaningful Life”, covering “Taking the Essence of Our Precious Human Live” and “Eight Worldly Concerns"

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Disadvantages of the eight worldly concerns

Continuing teaching from Chapter 8 “The Essence of a Meaningful Life” covering eight worldly concerns and how they impede our Dharma practice.

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Looking beyond this life

Finishing Chapter 8 and beginning Chapter 9 "Looking Beyond This Life", covering sections "Gross and Subtle Impermanence" and "Learning from Our Own Mortality".

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Nine-point death meditation

Teaching nine-point death meditation, from the section “Learning from Our Own Mortality” in Chapter 9.

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Only the Dharma helps at death

Completing the section “Only Dharma helps at the time of death” in Chapter 9, explaining the importance of practicing the Dharma.

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Other life forms

Teaching from the sections "Other Life Forms" and "Fear or Hope at Death?" in Chapter 9.

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The death process

Teaching from the section "The Death Process" and starting the section "Helping Ourselves and Others at the Time of Death'' in Chapter 9.

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