
Renunciation, or the determination to be free, is the attitude aspiring to be free from all suffering and to attain the liberation that is freedom from cyclic existence.

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Venerable Chodron teaching.
Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

The welfare of all beings

What it means to work for the wellbeing and happiness of all sentient beings. Seeing…

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Venerable Chodron and Abbey monastics smiling happily.
Exploring Monastic Life 2008

Monastic life in America

Advice for those considering ordination, putting the aspiration in the framework of Buddhism, monasticism, and…

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Venerable Chodron and other monastics in the meditation hall during the 2014 Pravarana ceremony.
Western Monastics

The challenge of the future

Does Western Buddhism need a monastic sangha? If so, what should their role be? What…

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Purple flowers blossom in a bunch.
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 14-1: The prison of cyclic existence

Determination to be free, aspiration for enlightenment to benefit sentient beings and liberate them, wisdom…

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Silhouette of a Buddha statue with bright in front of a fire-red sunset.
Dharma in Action

How to live in modern times

A Buddhist perspective on contemporary issues ranging from fundamentalism to the environment.

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Monastics standing together.
Western Monastics

The importance of Buddhist monasticism in the West

The role of Buddhist monastics, monastic centers, how Western monasticism differs from Eastern monasticism, and…

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An Afghan girl's face full of emotion, using her sunburnt hand to cover her mouth.
Essence of Refined Gold

Fortitude of enduring suffering

Continuing with the explanation of the practice of non-retaliation, and the second type of fortitude…

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Venerable Chodron standing with Venerable Snim, both smiling.
Buddhist Worldview

Spiritual growth in daily life

A Korean nun studying transpersonal psychology brings her questions about the Mahayana practice to Venerable…

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The sangha poses with Rinpoche. Ven. Semkye, Ven. Chodron, Kensur Wangdak Rinpoche, Ven. Tsenla (translator), Ven. Tharpa.
Teachings by Khensur Wangdak Rinpoche

Existence of person and obscurations

Comparing the different understanding of selflessness of persons in various Buddhist philosophical schools. This fortunate…

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Group of participants from the 2007 Exploring Monastic Life retreat at the Abbey.
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

Refuge and precepts ceremony

Teachings on taking the five lay precepts with or without celibacy and the eight precepts…

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Ven. Thubten Tsultrim makes offerings to her preceptor Ven. Chodron after the ordination
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

The “Ratnapala Sutta”

Buddha's disciple foremost in faith who, with pure motivation, looked with wisdom at cyclic existence…

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