Search results for “king of prayers

Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

Craving and clinging at the time of death

Craving and clinging in the 12 links of dependent origination and how they arise at…

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On Impermanence

Being Tashi, facing the death of a child

A student searches for peace after the death of her child.

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Russia)

Practicing mindfulness of feelings

Mindfulness of feelings is not an intellectual exercise but looking inside at how the three…

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Gomchen Lamrim

The six preliminary practices, part 1

The six activities that prepare the body and mind for the meditation session.

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On Taking Illness Onto the Path

A tale of woe becomes a tale of kindness and refuge

A student writes about his experiences after being injured in a rock-climbing accident. Venerable Thubten…

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Abbey statue of Samantabhadra.
Texts to Recite and Contemplate

La Reyna de las Plegarias

Una introducción, y texto completo a esta inspiradora plegaria que puede llenar de optimismo nuestra…

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Seven-point Mind Training

The six preparatory practices

The six practices to do to prepare the body and mind and create a conducive…

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Medicine Buddha thangka surrounded by light and flower offerings.
Medicine Buddha Winter Retreat 2007-08

Sadhana visualization

Clarifying process of purification, a discussion on karma, and connecting with the Medicine Buddha through…

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Medicine Buddha thangka surrounded by light and flower offerings.
Medicine Buddha Winter Retreat 2007-08

Medicine Buddha and the 35 Buddhas

An explanation of the Medicine Buddha sadhana practice and visualization, followed by oral transmission of…

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Shantideva Teachings in Singapore

Chapter 2: Verses 24-39

Looking at what makes life meaningful followed by a continuation of the text. These verses…

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