Search results for “king of prayers

Geshe Tenzin Chodrak (Dadul Namgyal) smiling, a smiling student offering a khata in the background.
Living with Impermanence

To Geshela with appreciation

I have been thinking a lot about Geshela and I wanted to share some of…

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Venerable Chodron teaching in a crowded room of students.

Asia Teaching Tour 2023

In-person teachings in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Taiwan.

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Smoke billowing behind a silhouette of trees.
Dharma in Daily Life

A teaching on impermanence

The Abbey's brush with wildfire.

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Monastic Life

Monastic Mind Motivation commentary

The importance of reconfiguring our usual mindset to align with our precepts and values.

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Dealing with Grief

A tribute to Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Lessons from spiritual teachers and advice to students after a spiritual mentor’s passing.

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Guest read Dharma books on the Chenrezig Hall deck.

Reading list

An extensive bibliography of resources for further study.

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Western Monastics

Western Buddhist nuns in the Tibetan tradition

Venerable Chodron explores the history of Buddhist nuns in the West through her own experiences,…

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2022

Holding a retreat mind

Three ways to visualize Manjushri and how to set up a proper retreat environment.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Questions and answers on meditation

Teaching from Chapter 7, responding to questions on meditating on the dying process and how…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Renewed existence

Continuing teaching from Chapter 7, describing renewed existence in Sanskrit tradition and in Pali tradition.

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