Search results for “king of prayers

Woman visiting dogs in a shelter.
LR08 Karma

Positive actions and their results

Looking at karma in terms of the positive actions and results, and a discussion of…

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"Speak the truth even if your voice shakes" painted on a wall.
LR08 Karma

The destructive actions of speech

An explanation of the karma related to our use of speech: lying, divisive speech, harsh…

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A steak with the word 'Eat' below it.
LR08 Karma

The three physical destructive actions

Intention and motivation produce different results from our actions. Being honest with ourselves helps us…

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Collage of a Buddha
LR08 Karma

General characteristics of karma

An introduction to karma, what it is, what it is not, and how karma relates…

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Monastics at the Abbey, chanting.
LR07 Refuge

Qualities of the Three Jewels

The qualities of the Three Jewels in which we take refuge: the Buddha's enlightening influence,…

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Black and white image of a Buddha statue.
LR07 Refuge

Qualities of a Buddha’s mind

Wisdom and compassion are the two basic qualities of a Buddha's mind.

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A group of Buddhist and Catholic nuns visiting the Abbey.
Interfaith Dialogue

Comparing and contrasting views

A comparison of religious views to support interfaith practice.

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Venerables Tarpa, Saldon, and Chodron standing outside in the lower Abbey meadow.
Interfaith Dialogue

A bhikshuni’s view

A brief overview of how Buddhist monastic traditions spread and adapt to new cultures.

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Shrine of a large Tibetan Buddha.
LR07 Refuge

Qualities of a Buddha

The Buddha's teachings are a reliable guide for our spiritual path.

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Venerables Semkye and Chonyi preparing offerings in front of the Abbey altar.
LR07 Refuge

Objects of refuge

Why take refuge? The meaning of refuge, the objects of refuge, and the relevance of…

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Deteriorating Buddha statue at the Abbey pet cemetary.
LR06 Death

The lower realms

An in-depth look at the lower realms, the causes for rebirth there, and the benefits…

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LR06 Death

Meditations on impermanence and death

Explanation of the gross and subtle impermanence, and followed by detailed instruction on how to…

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