Search results for “foundation of all good qualities

Thangka image of Manjushri

Manjushri and the three vehicles

A description of how the Manjushri practice fits within the three vehicles, some historical perspective,…

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Many emotional words - depressed, sorrow, hurting, upset, hurting, miserable, grieving, affliction etc. in black background.
Science and Buddhism

The Mind and Life VIII conference: Destructive emotions

A perennial human predicament: the nature and destructive potential of “negative” emotions.

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Blossoms of the Dharma

Living the Dharma

The importance of studying the teachings and meditating on them, making the Dharma central to…

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Blossoms of the Dharma

Finding our way

A reflection on the Dharma, working with afflictions, self-esteem, ordination, and living within the precepts.…

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Blossoms of the Dharma

The Theravada sangha goes west

The birth of a Thai Monastery in England. How the female community created a new…

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Portrait of Bhikshuni Jampa Tsedroen
Blossoms of the Dharma

A practical approach to Vinaya

The gradual approach for monastic ordination, in a Dharma center in Germany, to create a…

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Placeholder Image
Blossoms of the Dharma


On the basis of Buddha's teachings, women in the East and in the West take…

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Cover of the book Preparing for Ordination.
Preparing for Ordination

Monastic ordination

Looking at ordination and the higher training in ethics as a path to liberation from…

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Couple exchanging rings at wedding ceremony.
Family and Friends

A celebration of love

A Buddhist couple share on the format of their wedding celebration, which included guided meditations…

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Interfaith Dialogue

The value of a disciplined way of life

Buddha's monastic precepts and their similarities to the Christian practice.

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR10 Noble Eightfold Path

Eightfold noble path

An overview of the eightfold noble path as well as an in-depth look at right…

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