
Teachings on mindfulness, a mental factor that enables the mind to stay on its chosen object. These include teachings on mindfulness in developing concentration and keeping ethical conduct.

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Cover of book Open Heart, Clearn Mind.
Open Heart, Clear Mind

Anger and other disturbing attitudes

A look at the definition and characteristics of afflictions such as anger, pride, and jealousy,…

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Open Heart, Clear Mind

Taking the ache out of attachment

Looking at how attachment causes problems and real happiness comes from letting go of attachment.

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Bleeding heart flowers in the Sravasti Abbey garden.

Eight verses of thought transformation: Verses 1-3

Seeing others as karmic bubbles in order to loosen our rigid conception of them.

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Wheel of Life
Essence of Refined Gold

How rebirth works

The benefit of contemplating the possibility of rebirth in the lower realms and how our…

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Cover of book Open Heart, Clearn Mind.
Open Heart, Clear Mind

Meditation and the Buddhist approach

Talks focusing on the practical application of Buddhist psychology for understanding ourselves and improving the…

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Black and white image of tombstones in a cemetery.
Essence of Refined Gold

Death and Dharma practice

Continuation of at talk on contemplating death, followed by advice on Dharma practice.

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Stone statue of Kuan Yin under a tree covered in snow.
Chenrezig Winter Retreat 2006-07

Transition to daily life following retreat

Suggestions on how to transition from retreat. Reflections on the three-month Chenrezig retreat.

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Stone statue of Kuan Yin under a tree covered in snow.
Chenrezig Winter Retreat 2006-07

Meditation on emptiness

How to deal with attachment to what others think of us; meditating on compassion and…

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Stone statue of Kuan Yin under a tree covered in snow.
Chenrezig Winter Retreat 2006-07

Basic goodness

The relationship between buddha nature and basic goodness, different ways to show compassion, and how…

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Stone statue of Kuan Yin under a tree covered in snow.
Chenrezig Winter Retreat 2006-07

Developing an attraction to Chenrezig

The purpose of visualization. How to visualize and chant the mantra at the same time.

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Venerable Chodron in South India with the reincarnation of her teacher, Ling Rinpoche.
Working with Emotions

Cultivating emotional balance

Focusing on our own problems only makes them worse. Expanding our view to consider other…

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