
Compassion is the wish for sentient beings to be free from suffering and its causes. Posts include teachings and meditations on how to develop and increase compassion.

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Kuan Yin statue on a pedestal with a flower garland in her lap under a tree.
37 Practices of Bodhisattvas

The 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas: Verses 33-37

Commentary on thought transformation verses on guiding the mind toward virtuous mental states to benefit…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Connecting with compassion

The importance of having compassionate individuals in our lives, who can inspire our own practice…

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Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Meditation on compassionate inspiration

A guided meditation to reflect on people and qualities we find inspiring to help develop…

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Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Immeasurable equanimity

The fourth immeasurable thought of equanimity, including its definitions, overcoming obstacles to it, and how…

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Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Immeasurable joy

The meaning of immeasurable joy, its near and far enemies, and the antidotes to apply…

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Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Immeasurable compassion

A teaching on the second immeasurable thought, compassion, and how to overcome obstacles to it.

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Venerable Khadro standing with head bowed and palms together.
Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Meditation on giving your body away

A guided meditation on thought transformation in which we dedicate the four elements of our…

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Illumination of the Thought

Outshining hearers and solitary realizers

Explanation of how bodhisattva superiors outshine hearers and solitary realizers by way of their qualities.

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Geshe Yeshi Lhundup smiles while teaching in the Meditation Hall.
Illumination of the Thought

First bodhisattva ground: The Very Joyful

Commentary on the grounds of bodhisattva superiors and beginning the commentary on the first ground,…

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Illumination of the Thought

Review session: Compassion, impermanence and emptiness

Questons and answers When meditating on compassion, what is the object of meditation? Is the…

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