
Compassion is the wish for sentient beings to be free from suffering and its causes. Posts include teachings and meditations on how to develop and increase compassion.

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View all posts in Venerable Thubten Chodron's teaching archive.

Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

True duhkha

Teaching from Chapter 1, covering "The Nature of Each Truth” focusing on true duhkha and…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Joyous effort, concentration & wisdom

Covering Verses 14-18 of Chapter 5 'Guarding Introspection,' discussing the perfections of joyous effort, concentration,…

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Barbed wire in a garden.
By Incarcerated People

Prison labor

Today's prisons provide few chances for rehabilitation, instead using incarcerated people for cheap labor. One…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Reaching out with compassion

How extending yourself to another living being pulls you outside yourself and opens the door…

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Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

Meditation on compassion in action

A guided meditation to get in touch with the feeling of compassion and put it…

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Venerable Thubten Chodron goes on a walk with a cane after recovering from hip surgery.
Living with Impermanence

Surgery with bodhicitta

Venerable Chodron talks about how she prepared for her recent surgery.

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Colorful prayer flags against a clear blue sky.
Volume 5 In Praise of Great Compassion

In praise of great compassion

Interview for the Wisdom Podcast on "In Praise of Great Compassion," Volume 5 of The…

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Rashika smiling.
Students' Insights

It takes courage on both sides

A Dharma practitioner and healthcare provider shares her experience on the front lines of the…

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Silhouette of people in front of American flag.
On Working with Afflictions

A call for unity

A student reflects on the polarization of our political system.

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Review of Chapter 4

Venerable Khadro reviews Chapter 4, Verses 1 through 18, discussing the importance of keeping our…

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Venerable sitting next to the Buddha, smiling while giving a teaching.
Cultivating Compassion

Courageous compassion

What it means to have great compassion and make it part of daily life.

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