
Teachings on the mental affliction of anger, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Appreciating our opportunities

A motivation on appreciating all the causes and conditions for our precious human rebirth, and…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

The far-reaching practice of fortitude

The three types of fortitude that help to transform how we view hardships and overcome…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 96: Do not do unto others

How we often go against the golden rule by inflicting the harm we have received…

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Guided Meditations

What is karma?

A meditation for the Daily Dharma Gathering on the four general characteristics of karma.

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Close-up of Mudita the cat looking into the camera.
Love and Self-esteem

Wisdom, love, and hatred

Verses from Buddhist scriptures on how to overcome the obstacles to cultivating love.

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Close-up of Mudita the cat looking into the camera.
Love and Self-esteem

Cultivating love

On the difference between love and attachment, and the obstacles to cultivating love.

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Working with Emotions

Helping angry people

We cannot control other people; we can only accept where they are at right now.

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Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds

Cherishing others

The benefits of cherishing others and practicing fortitude. Verses 119-134 of Chapter 6 of Shantideva's…

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Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds

Transforming hindrances and adversity

How our spiritual progress is dependent on all sentient beings. Verses 103-118 of Chapter 6…

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Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds

Challenging the ego

How the Dharma challenges our self-centered mind. Verses 99-102 of Chapter 6 of Shantideva's "Engaging…

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Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds

Praise and reputation

Giving up attachment to praise and a good reputation. Verses 90-98 of Shantideva's "Engaging in…

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