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Chapter 2: Refuge In the Pali tradition
More on the Three Jewels according to the Pali tradition, followed by a description of…
View PostChapter 2: Qualities of refuge and The Three Jewels
The Three Jewels according to the Pali tradition, as well as the qualities of the…
View PostChapter 2: The Tathagata’s ten powers and six unshar...
More on the historical relationships between scriptures, and an overview of the Tathagata's qualities.
View PostNine-point meditation on death
Contemplating death helps us make our life more meaningful, motivates us to practice the Dharma…
View PostChapter 2: Refuge in and proof of the existence of t...
The demarkation of becoming a Buddhist, taking refuge and what that means. How buddha's liberate,…
View PostChapter 1: Verses 93-100
Distinguishing between inherent existence and conventional existence, and refuting the true existence of emptiness and…
View PostChapter 1: Buddhism in China and Tibet
Current status of the 10 historical schools,; notable Chinese practitioners, and the establishment of Buddhism…
View PostChapter 1: Early Buddhist history
Therevada Buddhism in Sri Lanka, secularization in Thailand, the effects of colonialism, and the beginnings…
View PostChapter 1: Origin and spread of the Buddha’s doctrine
An introduction to the course and a brief overview of what is to be covered,…
View PostMeditation: Cultivating serenity
The purpose of meditative serenity and the antidotes to overcoming the hindrances to developing it.
View PostGomchen Lamrim review: The teachings, teachers, and ...
A review of the greatness of the lamrim, how to listen to and explain the…
View PostChapter 1: Verses 86-92
Refuting inherent existence by examining mutual dependence. Looking at the mutual dependence of the four…
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